
All posts in the Method category

How to earn in MyLot?

Published January 4, 2012 by Cakes-And-Tarts

I still find people ask the same thing time and again in MyLot. And because I grow tired of answering and seeing similar questions, I’ll just create this so that  at least I can share to everyone the methods, that I know of, on how to earn in MyLot.

Earning Method # 1: Post Discussions and Comments/Respond
Just like what the site is encouraging its users, create quality discussions and post quality comments under a certain interest. This is the very basic on how to  earn in  MyLot . What do I mean by quality? I mean, the discussions would encourage MyLotters , the users of  MyLot , to think and give their own opinion; explaining it in a clear manner that everyone can see his/her own point.

Advice: Post Discussions that encourage people to use their imagination, it can be a popular topic in your area or a problem you are faced with. As long as it is open-ended and in need of analysis and of course…something that interests you.

Earning Method # 2: Perform Tasks in exchange for a certain amount
It’s very much like “missions” in games. But this one you can select which of them you would like to participate in. Just like most missions, they too have deadlines and they depend on the moderator of the task.Tasks can be found in tasks->available in MyLot. If you want to view that current tasks you participated it, go to tasks->my tasks. You also have the option to back out if you find you can’t do the job on time.

Publishers can take advantage of the tasks function of MyLot by using it to encourage the MyLotters to sign up in sites one wishes to promote, as what most are doing nowadays.

Advice:  Mylotters should check the available tasks often. There are tasks that are very easy to do and takes little time.

Earning Method # 3: Use the search bar
Use the bar just like how you use google or yahoo search bar. You will know that you earned something using the search bar if you see a pop up telling you “Congratulations” from MyLot. But try not to abuse it by using bots or MyLot would not reward you.

Earning Method # 4: Refer a friend
MyLot is a social community that encourages users to acquire friends. However, just referring anybody does not mean you earn something already. That friend needs to be active in order for you to earn dollars.

Earning Method # 5: Use MyLot often
Log into MyLot often. Participate, read and comment. Do the methods mentioned above and you’ll be increasing your money inMyLot. Create friends, comment in their discussions and they may repay you by commenting in yours which can help you in increase your earnings still. It’s a matter of give and take.Reference: MyLot FAQ: What can I do to increase my earnings?

How to Post under Pages in Blogger

Published December 28, 2011 by Cakes-And-Tarts

I recently had a problem with blogger where I need to create pages to categorize my post. However, while I was in the middle of doing just that I found out that I cannot just do that in blogger.

Because “The pages are in static format.”
That means the post you make in that page would remain the same while your home will be stacked with all your posts.

Which can be, good by the way because it allows for easy linking. But…  

Can’t we have some kind of a choice to make here which is the natural right of publishers? Seriously,  using static pages sometimes is good but it ain’t good to look at ALL THE TIME!


After a whole hour…

Sorry, I just can’t help myself sometimes. 

Anyways, I was looking for a solution into this BIG problem of mine so I googled it (yeah, this works wonders) and found this heaven sent blogger hints and tips and enlightened my off-mode head bulb.

Basing this style I accidentally thought of to what that good blogger suggested, instead of turning off your Page gadget or disabling your pages’ visibility and using either link list gadget or labels gadget for your layout, you’ll be using those pages instead. And we’ll be taking a hell of an advantage from that.

  • Similar to the style mentioned in blogger hints and tips, you’ll be labeling your posts, first and foremost. If you already did just that, then A-OK. Else this would not work. 
 OMG! I am back to my programmer mode.
(If and Else if statements)

  • In your dashboard goto Pages and then click New page. You’ll notice that you’ll be given the option to choose between Blank page and Web Address.
  • Click Web Address.
  • This form will appear. Fill in the necessary information.

  • If you read the post in  blogger hints and tips, you’ll see in using the linked list gadget method the usage of your label’s static URLs. If you don’t know the format, it’s like this:  


This is how I created my “Pages”. The only problem I found with this setting is whenever I go to my label this would appear.

Earn Online Without Investment is one of my labels.

 Now you’re done.  Or is it?