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5 Things They DON’T Teach in School

Published January 4, 2012 by Cakes-And-Tarts

  1. They don’t teach how the society works.
    • Though teachers may share a bit about how it worked out for them, they are still just a part of the bigger picture of the society where opportunities and risks go hand in hand. Especially in a society like ours, the experience of one is never true to the general. Example: “finding an employment is necessary to survive” is not true to all anymore in this time and age when people can already earn income freelancing online while they are masters of their own time.
  2. They don’t teach students how to study.
    • Correct me if I’m wrong, but studying is defined as ‘memorizing’ by most people already by memorizing their lessons in order to pass the exams/quizzes/tests presented before them. If the students a decade ago were already memorizing their lessons then the present students can never really learn how to study if the teachers themselves don’t know how to themselves. Do you know how to study without memorizing?
  3. They don’t teach students how to manage or raise money.
    • In this day and age, many people are “finally” looking for ways to get an extra income. It seems that they have already opened their eyes to the saying “having a job makes you secure in society” is not true anymore. And because of this, stress levels begin to rise. Why? Because most people do not know anymore how to acquire money/income without getting an employment. Because they depended on what they learned in school and believed the common saying that “if you have a good education then you’ll have a good future ahead of you”. And school does not really tell you the ABCs and the steps on how to earn money but they teach you how to be an employee.
  4. They don’t teach students’ their talents, creativity and imagination.
    • Contrary to traditional beliefs of school giving great talents to it’s students due to its instructions, these skills began within the students themselves. However, these talents are never free to run their own accord in its own course and time as it is already molded at such an early stage, trained and limited by instructions and teachers’ preference, thus we really will never know the extent of these abilities of students who could have limitless capabilities. Example: Students are only instructed to draw under a certain theme/category set by moderator/s under a specific time. So, does school destroy our imagination and creativity?
  5. They don’t teach students where they will be 10 or 20 years from now.
    • Of course not, because the school is not a seer or a magician. But that is not what I meant. Have you ever asked yourself, when you were still in school, what and where would you be in 10 or 20 years time? I know I have. And I had thought that I would be employed in a very rich company yet that made me feel so sad and I wondered why. And it’s only now that I realized that it’s because I will never really live my life different from others, who will graduate and get a job. Yet, we have different rankings from one to the other based on how we did well in school; but that is not a permanent basis for a person’s way of living.