Having Fun Playing Online Games while Earning Real Money

Published December 19, 2011 by Cakes-And-Tarts

I am going to place here links to different sites where a gamer can earn real life money and still play and enjoy his life online. You could call it my way of sharing information…and also a way for me to earn more (hehehehe!) . I like games so I thought of searching for them. Actually, I found a lot but I chose these because these are the ones that I like the most. Well, you could say I registered to almost all of them but found only these to be near, what I call my own standards, to fun. Just click the banner to register. I’ll post each of their information (as soon as I’ll get in the mood) so please wait for it patiently.

  • When it comes to online games where the developers themselves pays you to play, the first thing that comes out when you search in google is this site. Every end of the month, the game resets to the very beginning and all player’s gold are usually converted to real currency. The advice given by the game and the players, ‘since everything will restart, it’s better to sell your equipment and items in your inventory, converting them to gold, therefore you earn more real money and not waste anything.’
  • Here is an MMORPG that one usually finds online especially on military strategies. Newly registered users are given a time limit when they can withdraw the 50 black gems in the game that can be exchanged for real money. Like any other online games, you can still use real money to buy certain advantages but if you’re a cheapskate like me, you can still earn your way through, just like all the other games I placed here.
  • This is another MMORPG on military strategy based on modern age. I am not sure about the whole background of this game but the design of the site is pretty much user friendly and easy for the eyes despite the war your country can issue against another country. The user plays as a single soldier under a group that the user chooses for himself.
  • Have you ever heard of virtual economics? This is a virtual simulation, in game, of how to manage your resources and business assets through the economy of where your company is situated. This is a bit different from the others and a bit difficult to understand but the information one can learn in this simulation is priceless. The player himself is learning to manage his own business in the real world just by playing this game.
  • These are browser games almost similar to each other that focuses on the player himself. The player would have to know how to manage his own character in order to climb his way through the social ladder of these two virtual society/economy online game.

Golden Clone

That’s it for now, I’ll update this when I find more good games where players can earn. Please subscribe and/or give your comments. Criticisms and suggestions are always welcome.

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